вторник, 16 декабря 2008 г.

Business Success Strategies - 5 Things I Did Right in 2005

Business Success Strategies - 5 Things I Did Right in 2005

All in all, I’m pretty happy with how 2005 turned out. My business is taking off. I’ve
built a solid foundation to support even more growth (which I forecast for 2006) and
I’ve even managed to take some time off.

I’d like other entrepreneurs and business owners to feel as good about their
business as I do about mine, so I thought I’d take a moment to share 5 things I
attribute to my successful 2005.

1. Attended seminars. This one is HUGE. Nothing beats getting out of your office
and away from your computer and actually meeting people face to face. I’ve come
away from these events with clients, joint venture partners, and more. (And that
doesn’t even include the great information I absorbed and was able to put to use in
both my business and my clients’ businesses.) If you only put one of my 5 tips to
use, this would be the one to do — that’s how valuable I’ve discovered attending
seminars to be.

2. Hired a coach. Again, this was another tough decision to make, but I’m really glad
I did. It’s difficult to see your business objectively, so having a neutral observer on
your team is extremely valuable. Coaches help you get out of your own way (and
believe me, that’s

It could also help
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a biggie for us entrepreneurs.) They can help you with both your
inner game (your habits and mindset) and your outer game (your skills and business

3. Started systemizing my business. Unless you want to be chained to your business
night and day, you have got to start systemizing your business. Yes, all businesses
should have systems in place, even if you don’t have anyone else working for you
and you primarily sell services. The best part is when you do have systems in place,
your business suddenly starts running a lot more efficiently and effectively (and you
can start sleeping better at night and relaxing on vacation).

4. Outsourced. For all you control freaks out there, this one is for you. If you don’t
start hiring some help, I guarantee you’ll never be able to grow your business
because you’ll be constantly doing tasks you have no business doing. Do yourself a
favor and get some help…NOW. I’ve just hired a project manager/director of client
services, plus I have 2 backup writers and 2 virtual assistants. Building a team has
been a big stress reliever for me.

5. Focused on my inner game. Shifting my mindset away from “freelancer” to
“business owner” was another big piece of the puzzle. As soon as I made that shift,
all the other four techniques fell into place because it suddenly made them easier to

It’s tough to change your inner game on your own — hiring a coach is probably the
fastest way to do this. But there are some good resources out there if you want to
begin dabbling in it first. Do a search and see what comes up, I started my journey
with free ezines and articles.

Creativity Exercise — Make 2006 the best year ever

Go back and reread my list. Now get out a piece of paper and start brainstorming
ways you can integrate my tips into your business. Which one do you think will bring
the quickest results? Which one will be more difficult for you to start doing? Which is
the one you SHOULD be doing?

Have fun with this exercise, really play around and see what comes up. Don’t censor
yourself, just write down the answers that bubble up even if it doesn’t seem right.
You might discover something important about yourself and your business that
might be the key to launching you forward faster than you ever dreamed possible.

Michele PW (Michele Pariza Wacek) owns Creative Concepts and Copywriting LLC, a
copywriting, marketing communications and creativity agency. She helps people
become more successful at attracting new clients, selling products and services and
boosting business. To find out how she can help you take your business to the next
visit her site at http://www.writingusa.com. Copyright 2006 Michele Pariza Wacek.

Teens and Bulletin Boards

Both of my girls have always loved bulletin boards in their rooms. Bulletin boards allow you to change the room without having to repaint and without having to redo the room as your child goes the various phases of teen life.

There are so many themes a teenager can use on a bulletin board. Both of my kids collected quotes at one point. With multiple bulletin boards, teens can have a bulletin board with love quotes, a bulletin board with motivational quotes and even a bulletin board of quotes made by famous people.

Both of my kids also collected CD covers. How fun to put all of the CD covers on a bulletin board. When friends come over, the friends can see the CD covers and say "hey let's listen to this", referring to one of the CD covers.

One of my daughters used to go to the movies quite often. She saved all of her ticket stubs. Yo

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