Stop, Relax and Prosper - The Forgotten Formula for Business Success
Everyone's looking for: the new angle, the undeveloped niche, the hidden 'vein of gold'
just waiting to be mined. Anything seems possible if we just work harder,
better, faster than the next marketer waiting to capitalize on an opening.
You know you can do it but you feel you need that extra effort, greater insight,
that flash of inspiration to just show you how. What if you could just do a
little more, a little faster, a little better ….
This is the mindset we have been programmed to accept. One of 'more effort =
greater reward'. We believe that with constant effort and determination, we will
naturally attain our goals.
But this is only half the truth and, on its own, is a recipe for ultimate
failure. Sounds harsh? Well it should! That's how we've been taught to react.
We strive forward, working ever harder, searching ever deeper and pushing
ourselves, both physically and mentally, to an ever-increasing extent. We stay
that little longer at the PC, do that litt
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le bit more research, read that extra
report, filling ourselves with information, searching for new ideas.
The result of all this unrealized pressure is 'STRESS'.
Now, I hear you shouting at the screen, "I'm not stressed! I can work hours
without getting uptight and still perform. Who does this guy think he is?"
Please allow me a moment to explain what I mean.
It is very true that we all need a certain amount of stress in order to become
motivated and grow; so what is the problem? We all have internal stress-coping
mechanisms that were originally developed to cope with potentially life-
threatening situations, the so called "fight or flight" response.
However, these biochemical changes are all too frequently brought into play by
other factors nowadays, from meeting deadlines or receiving bills to worrying
about the solution to a new project. When this occurs and the body is placed in
an almost constant state of alert, the adrenal glands become depleted and we
become tense, tired, irritable, even depressed and especially unfocused and so
less productive.
Almost all of our bodily functions can be affected. This includes: digestive
disorders, weakened immune system and a whole host of other physical problems.
We thought we were just working harder but in reality, when we reach this point
and are not releasing this tension, we are achieving less - and that's never a
good state of play.
By allowing yourself the time, and I'm talking about just a few minutes here, to
stop, breathe deeply and relax effectively, you can soon reap the rewards. You
become more focused, more inspired, more effective and more motivated.
Time is a commodity that is in short supply – use it effectively. Make a
powerful investment today - stop, relax and prosper.
Peter Farnsworth (B.Sc., AMGNI, RCIrA, IIHHT) is a Complementary |
All About Dog Treats
Dogs have become such valued family members that it is not surprising, when it comes to dog treats, that there are almost as many to choose from as there are treats for us. Years ago the only treats we normally gave our pets were either soup bones or plain old dog cookies. Mans' best friend has come a long way over the years. Most people treat their dogs like children, calling them by special names and taking them everywhere, even on vacation. The dog industry is gigantic and almost everything you can think of is available for our pampered pooches. There are dog beds, jewelry, furniture, clothing, gourmet food and even life preservers. The dog market is huge and if you cannot find what you are looking for, more than likely, nobody has invented it yet. There are dog hotels, restaurants and day care facilities, just to name a few. The bottom line is that, because we love our dogs and they love us back unconditionally, people are very happy and willing to give their pets everything they possibly can.
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