вторник, 16 декабря 2008 г.



When I found out my wife was pregnant, I told myself we got to get out of here. The San Fernando Valley was no place to raise our family. We moved to a small town in Colorado. The Population was about 4,000 people. Boy, am I glad we did.

This town, Granby, was literally a stone’s throw from the north fork of the Colorado River. This part of the Rockies, which is on the western slopes of those mountains, is a short drive from the continental divide, so you know the water is as cold as it gets. When my brother came out to visit, we tried a few different spots and no matter wh

ere we went, hookup!

One place in particular was past all dreams of the absolute best trout fishing. As fast as you could bait your hook with a worm, throw it upstream about 15ft, let it float down just in front of you, you got not just a bite, you got hooked up! If you do the math, you will find that we both got our limit in less than twenty minutes! It seemed like this happened everywhere we went. It’s a fishing paradise.

All of these fish were about fourteen to fifteen inches long. Let’s not forget the beautiful country. Snow capped mountains, cascading down into the lakes and streams, the aspens coloring the landscape in different shades. What more could anybody want? Even in the wintertime, where the temperatures go below minus 40, minus 60, not including wind chill, you can still fish! Granby Lake at 8,000ft, Grand Lake at 9,000ft, Monarch Lake at 10,000ft, is frozen for a good part of the winter.

Ever heard of ice fishing? I guess I'm spoiled. I suggest you get spoiled too!


I am a full time carpenter that loves to fish and likes to write about the best fishing anyone can find - anywhere, anytime!

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