The Four Key Areas Of Finance: Security
Managing your finances may seem like an overwhelming task. However, if you break it up into smaller sections, it becomes much easier.
There are four key areas that you should look at when first organizing your finances. These areas are: security, stability, growth and management.
Within each area you will find goals that you need to work towards. You can’t successfully manage your finances by simply looking at one area. They are all necessary.
Security is the area in which you prepare for the unexpected. This is where you insurance comes into play. Many people have great retirement savings, little debt, but no insurance. They are financially vulnerable.
Life insurance, health insurance, auto insurance, homeowner’s insurance and disability insurance all protect your from life’s accidents and emergencies. Each type of policy is important.
Start by pulling all of your policies together and reveiw them to make sure that you have enough coverage. If you don’t, make it right. Depending on the amount of time you want to devote to th
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is, you can even do some shopping around for new policies. Make a list of your basic policy information and the contact numbers. Keep this information in your safe deposit box in case of a home disaster.
If you can afford to purchase disability insurance you should. Most young people have a greater chance of becoming disabled than dying. Research this type of insurance and decide what is right for you.
If you own anything, even just a vehicle and nothing else, you must have a will. You need to have a will that states what happens to your money and your children if something happens to you. If you don’t have a will, this decision will be made by a court appointed official.
A will doesn’t have to be extensive, in many states you can simply use a premade form purchased from an office supply store. Make sure you check to see if your state has any requirements when it comes to wills and trusts.
Having a will isn’t enough. If you already have one, you need to read it and update it every year. There are many changes in life, and you need to keep your will updated. You don’t want the state deciding who gets what and where you things go. And you don’t want to put your family through any uncertainty about what you would have wanted.
Now to the money part of security. It is vital that you have an emergency fund. Most advisors recommend having between three and six months of expenses in savings. I know this takes a while, but it is worth it. It will prepare you for any financial disasters you may face, from layoffs to car repair bills. It frees your budget from the unexpected. You are able to repair what needs repairing and pay what needs paid without worry. Make saving into an emergency fund a priority.
Hopefully, your security won’t ever need to be called on. But if it is, you will be financial sound by having it in place. It is important to protect what you work so hard for.
Martin Lukac represents and, a finance web-company specializing in real estate and mortgage rates. We specialize in daily updates, mortgage news, rate predictions, mortgage rates and more. Find low home loan mortgage interest rates from hundreds of mortgage companies! |
Lessons from Greatness
"Great work is done by people who are not afraid to be great."
- Fernando Flores
I use to be envious of great people.
By "great", I mean people who have achieved things so noteworthy they become famous for it.
Some do it early in life, like athletes. Tiger Woods is a great example.
Others take more time reach their success through business. Warren Buffet and Bill Gates have both risen to the top with their business achievements.
Still others achieve their prominence through service to others. The Reverend Billy Graham and Mother Teresa are living legends for their service to people.
Our world is full of people who have accomplished greatness with their lives. It's easy for any of us to name five or ten great people we admire.
Like I said, I used to regard them with envy. But, the older I get, the more I realize why we have great people in our world. They exist to teach us.
Here are things I've learned from these teachers.
Great people make sacrifices to achieve their greatness. Too often we consider sacrifice bad.
It's not.
We make sacrifices with every decision. Even if we do not decide we still make a sacrifice. It's a basic law of reality; you can't do or be everything. You need to choose.
When you choose one course of action, you automatically sacrifice the opportunity to choose any other course of action.
That's all right. It's better to make a bad choice than to never choose. When you fail to choose, you're saying nothing is important enough for you to make it a priority. If nothing in your life is important, what kind of life is that?
You risk an empty life if you spend too much time failing to choose.
Great people make choices because they believe they are the right choices. They have unyielding faith in the path they choose. Don't think they're always right, though. Great people are probably wrong more often than the rest of us. This is because they take risks without fear of failing. They know failure is not bad. It's simply a way to learn. So, they take more risks.
Faith that you're making the right choice will help you make the choice. That's the first step.
Once you choose a course of action, you will face obstacles. You will face resistance.
Whether you're learning a new skill, developing a new relationship, building a business, starting a new job, you will always face "speed bumps" on your journey.
Willie Jollie likes to say "Murphy has a piece of paper with you
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